Statement of Purpose (SOP)

Paragraph 1 

1. Why do you think (Information Technology) is a fascinating subject?

We’re in the 21st century and today everything’s about technology. It’s seen in almost every aspect of modern life.
If you enjoy technology and specifically keeping up with the latest advances in the field of information technology,
you might want to turn your hobby into a career. In today’s society, information is
paramount and information technology (IT) influences
all kinds of human activity. Benefits of technology include
increased productivity in many work-related and personal tasks.
Information technology jobs fall within the full spectrum of computer technology and business. As an IT professional,
you’ll be supporting your clients in reaching their goals and nurturing their corporate culture. Business rely
on information technology to help them be more productive. This is a career that benefits any business by
allowing companies to work more efficiently and to maximise productivity. And with that comes
faster communication, electronic storage and the protection of important documentation.

2. What is your great deal of imagination to pursue a master level studies in it?

Many students pursue graduate studies for the love of learning and discovery.
For others, cultural motivation and family traditions have an unquestionably positive
influence on the decision to enter graduate studies. Some students pursue graduate
studies because theirchosen profession requires a graduate degree while others
are looking to changecareer paths or better position themselves for advancement opportunities.

In research programs, graduate students are involved in both the development and the
conduct of original, important research and scholarship. As such, graduate students should be
excited by carrying out in-depth and detailed studies in the spirit of creative and
imaginative inquiry.

Graduate students and their work are an important part of an ongoing research process
that helps us to better comprehend the human and natural world in which we exist.
This research provides the human community with ways of understanding natural, cultural,
imaginative, social and technological phenomena and investigating problems through
the pursuit of knowledge.
Graduate students are thus engaged not only in a social process that provides society
with new ways of looking at the world’s complexity, problems and beauty, but in a personal quest
for bettering their lives or expanding their learning and insight.

Paragraph 2

1. Write a short note about your academic achievements in school –
if any (NOT MORE THAN 2 SENTENCES) and how did you get into your college?

Every person in life has some achievements, accomplishments, rewards and successes earned.
At the same time mistakes, failures and setbacks as well. My achievements, my successes and my
accomplishments are the one that make me happy and proud. Whereas, my mistakes, my failures
and setbacks make me strong and bold.

There are various kinds of achievements one may have. There are some examples of
achievements like personal achievements, academic achievements, sports achievements etc.

There are various roles in which one achieves something.
Taking myself as an example it would be like my achievements as a teacher, my accomplishments as
student in school, college or in personal life.


Throughout my School days I have been a good score. I have had achieved
A+ in all my related subjects. This is the moment of pride for me.


I have remained the captain of my school's football team. I organized many matches.
In my lead my team has been successful


Not only in sports, I have, by the grace of God, been good speaker.
I had remained the top position holder in various events at school


Not only in school. I Have achieved much in my personal life like self help.
dedication, sincerity, love and respect for others.


As a young boy, I would often dismantle my small toy cars and re-model them.
The activity never lost its zest and as I grew up, I knew that I wished to become an
engineer and work towards
my dream of designing cars for the best names in the world. With excellence raking
my motivations,
I decided to go for the premier institutes in India – the IIT’s and started with putting
in extra hours as early as 9th grade.
After clearing my 10th, I took the admission in the NARAYANA JUNIOR COLLEGE
and enrolled myself for coaching in a premier institute to prepare for the IIT’s.
I was confident about my choiceand knew that it was the best way forward…till destiny took me to 
IIT’s but due to the resons
of not qualifying in JEE -ADVANCED , So i applied for many deemed universities
and i taken the entrance exam
So  finally i am decided to join in SRM

2. Describe the exposure at SRM that helped you pursue studies in Engineering

Education is all about creating an environment of academic freedom, where bright minds meet,
discover and learn. One would experience top of the world living and learning experience at SRM.
Foreign faculty, flexible and dynamic curriculum, exciting research and global connections
are the features that set SRM apart. Students have a wide choice of cutting edge programs
including nanotechnology, bioinformatics, genetic engineering, remote sensing and GIS, embedded
systems or computer forensics to choose from. Most of these courses are offered in close
collaboration with foreign universities.
College Infrastructure
happy with the staffs. they teach in the way that we can understand easily moreover
they teach even after hours if they have no time. they are friendly and caring. the College
is very good even and nice
excellent the exam structure is held in semester form the semester is held once
In a 3or 4 months of time. each semester have a seperate subject list and
separate exam fee. labs are filled with the required stuffs
yeah our College provide internship programs which in case helps us in our future programs
jobs etc they provide internships in both multinational companies as well
as in normal companies.
overall the internship is good
Face to face interview easy selection process mud pay the fees in DD form only no cash or cheque
is allowed overall the College infrastructure is good and entertaining praised to learn in that
Collegfeasible non expense when compared to my course taken In other Colleges they are also having the same
fee structure for the course I'm studying so iam considering it as non expensive or feasible
Campus Life
Milan a great national cultural programs in which celebrities will be part of the
program as chief guests food will be provided in stalls all the varieties are available for our
College students it is free

3. Describe about course works, electives and facilities that helped you
to get insight into your degree.

                                     Fully Online Courses

I  done many online courses in Coursera  

Machine Learning

Machine learning is the science of getting computers to act without being explicitly programmed.
In the past decade, machine learning has given us self-driving cars, practical speech recognition,
effective web search, and a vastly improved understanding of the human genome.
Machine learning is so pervasive today that you probably use it dozens of times a day without knowing it.
Many researchers also think it is the best way to make progress towards human-level AI. In this class,
you will learn about the most effective machine learning techniques, and gain practice implementing them and
getting them to work for yourself.
More importantly, you'll learn about not only the theoretical underpinnings of learning, but also gain
the practical know-how needed to quickly and
powerfully apply these techniques to new problems. Finally, l learn about some of Silicon Valley's best practices in
innovation as it pertains to machine learning and AI.
Every student shall earn 9 credits by choosing three of the open elective
courses from the following list. While choosing the electives, students shall ensure
that they do not opt for the courses syllabus contents of which are similar to that
of departmental core/elective courses. Further students from a program, say Mechanical Engg.,
shall not opt for open electives offered by their own program, that is, open elective courses
of code numbers starting with ME. Courses with code numbers starting with GE /LE may
be opted for by students of all programs. Students shall consult their faculty advisors before opting
for an open elective course. The open elective courses on offer will be subject to availability of
time table slot,
faculty members, class rooms and minimum class strength specified from time to time. 
I taken Cloud Computing,Data science,ERP as my electives
          Facilities that helped you to get insight into your degree.
The vibrant faculty members of the department possess demonstrated expertise in many areas
of information technology and flair for teaching different courses. The department consists of
a medley of faculty members with industrial and academic experience. Faculty members are involved in
carrying out collaborative research projects with leading industries and international universities.
In addition to the above, the faculty members’ possess essential attributes of being a good mentor to students.
All teachers are highly qualified except a few but it totally depends on you that which
teacher’s teaching style suites you and also your bonding with the teacher is important
The student teacher relations are quite decent in here. The teachers have their own space
and students, their own. None interferes with the other until necessary.
And yes, we do enjoy some good time with the faculties as gradually we get comfortable
with each other over time and by the end of semester, it’s more of friends - students interacting
freely with the staff.

Paragraph 3
1. Do you have experience in working in a project? Describe your experience
in handling the project, or research experience your role and your managing
the team members. Also mention about your guide who helped you
in carrying out the project?

Gaining data science experience without having a data science job seems daunting

Data Science Project – Customer Segmentation using Machine Learning in R

In this Data Science R Project series, we will perform one of the most essential applications
of machine learning – Customer Segmentation. In this project, we will
implement customer segmentation in R. Whenever you need to find your best customer,
customer segmentation is the ideal methodology.
In this machine learning project, DataFlair will provide you the background of customer segmentation.
Then we will explore the data upon which we will be building our segmentation model.
Also, in this data science project, we will see the descriptive analysis of our data and
then implement several versions of the K-means algorithm. So, follow the complete
data science customer segmentation project using machine learning in R and become a
pro in Data Science

Customer Segmentation Project in R

Customer Segmentation is one the most important applications of
unsupervised learning. Using clustering techniques, companies can
identify the several segments of customers allowing them to target the
potential user base. In this machine learning project, we will make
use of K-means clustering which is the essential algorithm for clustering
unlabeled dataset. Before ahead in this project, learn what actually customer

What is Customer Segmentation?

Customer Segmentation is the process of division of customer base into several
groups of individuals that share a similarity in different ways that are relevant to
marketing such as gender, age, interests, and miscellaneous spending habits.
Companies that deploy customer segmentation are under the notion that every customer
has different requirements and require a specific marketing effort to address them
appropriately. Companies aim to gain a deeper approach of the customer they are targeting.
Therefore, their aim has to be specific and should be tailored to address the requirements
of each and every individual customer. Furthermore, through the data collected, companies
can gain a deeper understanding of customer preferences as well as the requirements for
discovering valuable segments that would reap them maximum profit. This way, they can
strategize their marketing techniques more efficiently and minimize the possibility of risk
to their investment.

 Planning :
When a Batch/student is allotted a Guide. The foremost thing the student expects
is Guidance. Most of the times students express raw unclear ideas, which they want
shape up as a project. At this point the mentor's invaluable experience comes into play.
He knows how this idea can be refined, and given a proper shape. The idea is then
quantified and converted as a goal (as a project). For that to happen effectively its
important that the Mentor Discusses the Student's Idea, Analyse it, Add his Ideas,
Improvise it. Take Time and Draw up a Conclusive Plan for How the Student can
Achieve their Project on Time.This can be done by doing following.

(i) Background knowledge required for the project-Books to refer,Online Sources etc
(This must be brushed up by both mentor and students)
(ii) Plan of Action - If its a group project, Identifying the individual interests and Improving,
imparting required skills.
(iii) Time Plan- Apt Deadlines bring the best in you.
(iv) Take the project seriously - The mentor must treat as if the project is his own,
This would step up the stakes (Mentally) for the students.
I have personally seen many teachers who either do the project by themselves,with
little or no contribution from students. or Who don't help the students at all.
None of these is acceptable. The role of a mentor is very precious.
He must Nurture the student's thought process. Stimulate their interest.
He must show the path in the dark so that the students follow it. For example:
If there is a bug in a program. instead of debugging it himself, the mentor must find the
root of the bug with the students and tell them where he went wrong and then ask them to
fix it.

2. Write the outcome of your project/ research work(s) and your
opinion about it.

Customer Gender Visualization

In this, we will create a barplot and a piechart to show the gender distribution across
our customer_data dataset.

Analysis of the Annual Income of the Customers

In this section of the R project, we will create visualizations to analyze the annual
income of the customers. We will plot a histogram and then we will proceed to examine
this data using a density plot.

K-means Algorithm

While using the k-means clustering algorithm, the first step is to indicate the number
of clusters (k) that we wish to produce in the final output. The algorithm starts by
selecting k objects from dataset randomly that will serve as the initial centers for our
clusters. These selected objects are the cluster means, also known as centroids. Then,
the remaining objects have an assignment of the closest centroid. This centroid is
defined by the Euclidean Distance present between the object and the cluster mean.
We refer to this step as “cluster assignment”. When the assignment is complete,
the algorithm proceeds to calculate new mean value of each cluster present in the data.
After the recalculation of the centers, the observations are checked if they are closer to a
different cluster. Using the updated cluster mean, the objects undergo reassignment.
This goes on repeatedly through several iterations until the cluster assignments stop altering.
The clusters that are present in the current iteration are the same as the ones obtained in the
previous iteration.
Summing up the K-means clustering –
  • We specify the number of clusters that we need to create.

  • The algorithm selects k objects at random from the dataset. This object

  • is the initial cluster or mean.
  • The closest centroid obtains the assignment of a new observation.

  • We base this assignment on the Euclidean Distance between object and the centroid.
  • k clusters in the data points update the centroid through calculation

  • of the new mean values present in all the data points of the cluster.
  • The kth cluster’s centroid has a length of p that contains means of all variables
  • for observations in the k-th cluster. We denote the number of variables with p.
  • Iterative minimization of the total within the sum of squares. Then through

  • the iterative minimization of the total sum of the square, the assignment stop
  • wavering when we achieve maximum iteration. The default value is 10 that the
  • R software uses for the maximum iterations.

Determining Optimal Clusters

While working with clusters, you need to specify the number of clusters to use.
You would like to utilize the optimal number of clusters. To help you in determining
the optimal clusters, there are three popular methods –
  • Elbow method

  • Silhouette method

  • Gap statistic

Elbow Method

The main goal behind cluster partitioning methods like k-means is to define the
clusters such that the intra-cluster variation stays minimum.
minimize(sum W(Ck)), k=1…k
Where Ck represents the kth cluster and W(Ck) denotes the intra-cluster variation.
With the measurement of the total intra-cluster variation, one can evaluate the
compactness of the clustering boundary. We can then proceed to define the optimal
clusters as follows –
First, we calculate the clustering algorithm for several values of k. This can be done by
creating a variation within k from 1 to 10 clusters. We then calculate the total intra-cluster
sum of square (iss). Then, we proceed to plot iss based on the number of k clusters.
This plot denotes the appropriate number of clusters required in our model.
In the plot, the location of a bend or a knee is the indication of the optimum number of


In this data science project, we went through the customer segmentation model.
We developed this using a class of machine learning known as unsupervised learning.
Specifically, we made use of a clustering algorithm called K-means clustering.
We analyzed and visualized the data and then proceeded to implement our algorithm.
Hope you enjoyed this customer segmentation project of machine learning using R.
3. Discuss about your internships? Your roles and responsibilities,
and list of things you have learnt in that organization?
I done my intenship as a WEB DEVELOPER  in LEVEL INFINITE Chennai
Directing or performing Website updates. Developing or validating test
routines and schedules to ensure that test cases mimic external interfaces
and address all browser and device types. Editing, writing, or designing Website
content, and directing team members who produce content.
Web developers design and build websites. They are typically responsible for the
appearance, of the site and technical aspects, such as site speed and how much traffic the
site can handle. Web developers may also create site content that requires technical features.
They are sometimes known a web designer or full-stack developer if they can do both
front-end and back-end development.

Web Developer Responsibilities:                                                      

  • Website and software application designing, building, or maintaining.

  • Using scripting or authoring languages, management tools, content creation tools,

  • applications and digital media.
  • Conferring with teams to resolve conflicts, prioritize needs, develop content criteria, or choose solutions.

  • Directing or performing Website updates.

  • Developing or validating test routines and schedules to ensure that test cases

  • mimic external interfaces and address all browser and device types.
  • Editing, writing, or designing Website content, and directing team members

  • who produce content.
  • Maintaining an understanding of the latest Web applications and

  • programming practices through education, study, and participation in conferences, workshops, and groups.
  • Back up files from Web sites to local directories for recovery.

  • Identifying problems uncovered by customer feedback and

  • testing, and correcting or referring problems to appropriate personnel for correction.
  • Evaluating code to ensure it meets industry standards,

  • is valid, is properly structured, and is compatible with browsers, devices,
  • or operating systems.
  • Determining user needs by analyzing technical requirements.

Web Developer Requirements:

  • Bachelor degree in Web development or related field, or relevant experience.

  • Solid knowledge and experience in programming applications.

  • Proficient in JavaScript, HTML, CSS.

  • Proficient in My SQL.

  • Dedicated team player.

  • Ability to thrive in a fast-paced environment.

  • Solid ability in both written and verbal communication.

  • Knowledge of programming language and technical terminology.

  • Able to develop ideas and processes and clearly express them.

  • High degree of independent judgment.

  • Able to solve complex problems.

4. Write more about relevant academic work experiences,
other certifications, participations in international events, patents,
recognition of your innovative ideas, online course completion,
or part – time job / courses. (If any).
Creativity has no limit. And some of the things that people can imagine
and create can actually leave us spellbound.

Facebook - Using Hackathons to generate fresh ideas

There is an interesting internal open innovation example within Facebook.
At Facebook, they organize hackathons for their employees. The idea of these hackathons
is that the employees generate new ideas and innovations and make initial versions of them. 
These hackathons are not only for developers, but for anyone within the company. The point
is that you work with something that you don’t work with on a daily basis. It’s argued that doing
things outside your day-to-day work and enjoying making a difference within the company
are what generates outside-the-box creative thinking. Of course, you can’t undermine
the effect of diversity in these hackathons either.
Developers and architects might have certain ways of thinking,
so it makes things interesting when you get ideas, for example,
from people who work in the finance or marketing department.
When your employees meet each other across all the departments
and other barriers that they normally have, they actually transmit tacit knowledge,
the sense of team spirit across the company and build meaningful relationships
within your organization.
All this happens while the employees are creating and innovating
something new for your company. When this kind of collaboration
is typical for your organization, you also create a product-innovation centered culture
for your workplace.
The Pride Flag Feature
These hackathons are quite productive for Facebook. There are plenty of feature
examples that can be traced back to these hackathons. For example, the like-button,
live chat, and the Facebook timeline are ideas that have sprouted from Facebook hackathons.
The pride flag feature, that allowed you to modify your profile picture to support the LGBTQ
community in 2015 was created at a Facebook hackathon. The idea was coined by
two Facebook interns. Through the hackathon, it fastly spread throughout the company and
ended up being released for public use. This example shows that your job title doesn’t
necessarily matter when having a great idea.
I completed online courses in COURSERA like Machine Learning,
Data Science,Python
I done Social Media Intern in ONEPLUS as a part time job
Paragraph 4
1. Describe about your professional network and your associations or
I use LINKEDIN for my professional network for connecting people
Social collaboration refers to processes that help multiple people or groups interact and
share information to achieve common goals. Such processes find their 'natural' environment on the
internet, where collaboration and social dissemination of information are made easier by current
innovations and the proliferation of the web.
Sharing concepts on a digital collaboration environment often facilitates a "brainstorming" process,
where new ideas may emerge due to the varied contributions of individuals. These individuals may
hail from different walks of life, different cultures and different age groups, their diverse thought processes
help in adding new dimensions to ideas, dimensions that previously may have been missed.
A crucial concept behind social collaboration is that 'ideas are everywhere.' Individuals are able
to share their ideas in an unrestricted environment as anyone can get involved and the discussion
is not limited to only those who have domain knowledge.
2. Write about your Cultural and Tech participations and your student
chapter assignments.
As one subsides and steps onto the campus, he/she comes across a divergent and distinguished
culture bubbling with effervescence and efficiency. Every individual here learns and lucubrates to
follow his and her passion with dedication and dynamism, also efficaciously managing their academics.
They're enlightened and edified with human values and competently complete with the challenges
of their lives

Milan - The Cultural Fest

The very name translates to a get-together, sure, but Milan, the cultural extravaganza
of SRM Institute of Science and Technology (formerly known as SRM University) offers so much more.

Milan is a National level cultural event that hosts events for tens of thousands of students who fly in from
various parts of the country. There is a plethora of variety in the events that take place, which to name
a few are, "Fashion Show"for the aspiring models, "Talkathon" for the wannabe debators, "Short film
screening" for the upcoming 'James Cameroons' and a DJ Night, for the nocturnals. Over a period of time,
Milan has evolved to a great extent that CHIEF celebrities from the film industry like, Kamal Haasan,
John Abraham,  'Chiyaan' Vikram, Shreya Ghoshal and et al A-listers have graced the occasion.
An absolute delight to look forward to, for it caters to the craving minds of thrill-seekers, philosophers
and the educational enthusiasts. One wouldn't want to miss the "Sunburn of the south", with fun manifold,
would they?
Tech participations in SRM Hackathon, semicolon2.0 ,workshops

3. Write about your extra – curricular activities and understanding of society.


Leadership experience includes any time that you have been responsible for leading a
project or guiding, motivating, or instructing others. Colleges want to admit students who
have a history of leadership experience because they are hoping those students will continue
to be leaders and have a significant impact on the world in the future.
You don't have to be team captain or club president in order to get leadership experience.
You can show your leadership skills by helping to organize an event, mentoring younger
members, or developing a fundraiser.


Are you participating in that activity because you truly want to or just because
you want to include it on your college application? For colleges, there is a huge
difference between the two. Admissions officers want to see you doing activities you are
interested in and passionate about, not just as a way to impress others. Passion is a critical
contributor to success, and colleges see genuine passion as an indicator that you are more
likely to succeed than someone who's just going through the motions.


Colleges measure impact by looking at how you influenced the activity you participated
in and how it influenced you. The strongest extracurricular examples clearly show that
you have changed and improved as a result of participating and that you also had a
lasting impact on the activity as well.

Music, drama & theatre

It takes a lot to stand up in front of a crowd and perform, and it’s this kind of
confidence that recruiters want to see; especially in jobs where speaking assertively
is key (e.g. leadership, sales, or customer service roles).
And with a range of activities available in music, drama & theatre, there’s
bound to be something to suit you and your personality. For example,
you might be part of a band, music group, or even be a solo artist –
playing anything from rock to classical.

Foreign languages

Not only does learning another language make yourself available for roles
in teaching, translating, tourism, and more; it can also strengthen your CV in a
range of other ways.
For example, the dedication and enthusiasm involved with learning outside of your
general education will undoubtedly stand out to recruiters.
And, with many organisations operating internationally – an ability to understand and
translate communications from another country is extremely valuable.

India offers astounding variety in virtually every aspect of social life. Diversities
of ethnic, linguistic, regional, economic, religious, class, and caste groups crosscut Indian 
society, which is also permeated with immense urban-rural differences and gender

Themes In Indian Society


India is a hierarchical society. Whether in north India or south India, Hindu or Muslim,
urban or village, virtually all things, people, and social groups are ranked according to
various essential qualities. Although India is a political democracy, notions of complete equality are seldom evident in daily life.
Hierarchy plays an important role within families and kinship groupings also,
where men outrank women of similar age, and senior relatives outrank junior relatives.
Formal respect is accorded family members—for example, in northern India, a
daughter-in-law shows deference to her husband, to all senior in-laws, and to all
daughters of the household. Siblings, too, recognize age differences,
with younger siblings addressing older siblings by respectful terms rather than by name.

Purity and Pollution

Many status differences in Indian society are expressed in terms of ritual purity and pollution,
complex notions that vary greatly among different castes, religious groups, and regions.
Generally, high status is associated with purity and low status with pollution.
Some kinds of purity are inherent; for example, a member of a high-ranking
Purity is associated with ritual cleanliness—daily bathing in flowing water, dressing in
freshly laundered clothes, eating only the foods appropriate for one’s caste, and avoiding
physical contact with people of significantly lower rank or with impure substances,
such as the bodily wastes of another adult. Involvement with the products of
death or violence is usually ritually polluting.

Social Interdependence

One of the great themes pervading Indian life is social interdependence.
People are born into groups—families, clans, subcastes, castes, and
religious communities—and feel a deep sense of inseparability from these groups.
People are deeply involved with others, and for many, the greatest fear is the possibility
of being left alone, without social support. Psychologically, family members typically
experience intense emotional interdependence. Economic activities, too, are deeply
imbedded in a social nexus. Through a multitude of kinship ties, each person is linked
with kin in villages and towns near and far. Almost everywhere a person goes,
he can find a relative from whom he can expect moral and practical support.
Paragraph 5
1. Discuss in detail about your current research interest and why do you think
your idea is worth pursuing. 

 This paper examines the potential for applying artificial intelligence (Ai) techniques
to architectural projects. In particular this paper examines the possible application
of machine learning to an architectural task. The paper first provides a background to
machine learning The paper then examines an example of its use in a field closely
related to architecture.
Urban design. Finally, as a practical demonstration, the potential use of machine learning
for door scheduling is presented.

Artificial Intelligence (Ai) has in recent years become one of the important fields in computer
science and a breakthrough in artificial intelligence, so machines can learn that is worth
10 Microsoft's** computer science research. In 2004 Bill Gates famously stated that you
Since then Al has continued to attract interest and find application in many diverse fields such

as e-commerce, medicine. genetics, finance and many others.
It has also started to find applications in design, engineering and construction. For example
Artificial Neural Networks are being used for optimization problems such as optimizing building
performance analysis Also, Markov Decision Processes are being used for
maintenance management
tasks and project risk analysis. A review of construction industry research literature
makes it clear
that Al techniques are beginning to permeate into the construction industry.
It has to be said, however, that this techniques are not yet well known to architects.
While architectural computation is currently in the throes of a revolution with the advent
of Building Information Modeling (BIM) technologies, little is said of Al methods
This paper takes the view that Al has the potential to provide significant benefit to
architectural projects
In particular we will demonstrate that A, and specifically Machine Learning (ML),
can be used to optimize architectural scheduling processes.
2. Why do you think a graduate level program in this university would help
your academic interest and what would be outcome of your masters program as you think?

 Become an Expert:

Earning your master’s gives you a more in-depth understanding of your specialty
and career focus. It suggests expertise and credibility in a particular field and allows
you more freedom within that field. This specific knowledge increases your proficiency in a particular
discipline, which gives you an advantage at a time when many employers are raising their
educational requirements for emerging positions.  

 Get a Head Start in Your Career:

Some people who earn their master’s experience the leapfrog effect. Instead
of starting out in an entry position in their field, they “leap” over the introductory jobs into
higher places of management. Approximately 16 million people—only 8% of the
US population have a master’s degree– which can lead to a competitive advantage in
a sea of candidates.

 Become a Lifelong Learner:

Many students work toward a bachelor’s degree just to fill a minimum
requirement for their career field. Choosing to further your education and pursue a
master’s degree allows you to make more valuable connections, pursue necessary professional
skills and foster personal development. After you’ve gained a sense of how you best learn
and developed a love for it as an undergraduate, you now have the opportunity
to further your development with the scientific and technological innovations that affect us
every day. Making the voluntary commitment to participate in the movement of lifelong
learning will enhance not only your personal and professional development but also
your self-sustainability and employability.  

Evidence of Past Experience and Success

A great graduate school statement of purpose will also show programs that you
have already been successful. They want applicants that will be able to follow
through on their research/professional plans!
To this end, you’ll need to provide evidence of how your background qualifies you to
pursue this program and your specific interests in the field. You’ll probably discuss
your undergraduate studies and any professional experience you have.
But be sure to draw on specific, vivid examples. You might draw on your thesis,
major projects you’ve worked on, papers you have written/published, presentations
you’ve given, mentors you’ve worked with, and so on. This gives admissions
committees concrete evidence that you are qualified to undertake graduate study!
Paragraph 6 
1. Why do you think that the prospective university is the right place for you to do this
graduate program? 
SRM Institute of Science and Technology (SRM IST), formerly known as
SRM University, is one of the top-ranking universities in India with over 20,000
students and more than 2600 faculty across all the campus.
It offers a wide range of undergraduate, postgraduate and doctoral programs in Engineering,
Management, Medicine, Health Sciences, Science and Humanities.
The research department at the
SRMIST carries out cutting edge research in frontier areas with more than
224 government-funded projects
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There are a lot of things that even the best engineering Universities in India
will ever convey their engineering aspirants at the time of counselling
Here are some points that every engineering student should know when they
join the University. Some of them are mentioned below:
  • There’s No end to curiosity

Ask anything out of curiosity, there is no such thing as a stupid question
in this field. Don’t hold yourself, everyone starts from somewhere. Don’t have doubts
about everything. Feel free to ask anything because half knowledge about anything can be dangerous.
  • You Probably Won’t Use Everything You Learn

That’s true you won’t be able to use every theory in real life, but you still need to learn.
Most jobs you undertake in your future won’t require all of the knowledge you gleaned in
University, but that doesn’t mean you can just skip out on the classes you think aren’t worthwhile.
  • You Need to Push Yourself and Take Initiative

Don’t wait around for someone else to tell you, because that might not happen.
You have an entire library and other online resources, use it wisely.
  • Reflect on What Inspires You

Identify things that inspire you and break them down to achieve your goal can
help you groom in your field more smoothly.
  • Look Outside of Your Desired Field

You’ll be surprised at what you can apply to your own work in some other
field, and it will give you a better understanding of other engineers and their processes.
  • Get Hands-On Experience

You’ll never fully understand some of the things you’re studying until you put
Them to the test. Explore your arena —gain experience.
  • Start Your Portfolio Sooner Rather Than Later

Your portfolio reflects your work and hard work. Make sure you have
a proper record of every document and project you worked on. This way you won’t have
To specify in detail future employers about your skills, but instead, you can show them.
  • Use the Internet to Your Advantage

From lectures on YouTube to podcasts, there’s no shortage of ways to supplement
your learning. So, if you’ve missed a class or lecture or facing troubles to understand
something, all you need is to acquaint yourself from all the resources available on the Internet.
  • If You’re Not Having Fun, You’re in the Wrong Place

If you apprehend that engineering isn’t for you, there’s no shame in reconsidering
This path. At the end of the day, if you don’t enjoy things you are doing,  you don’t belong there.
  • Don’t Limit Your Skills to Engineering Alone

Once you jump onto working, you might find it’s unlike to what you had
anticipated. You might discover yourself at a desk dealing with documents and paperwork
more than you thought, so you’ll need to prepare accordingly.

2. What is your plan of studies in your prospective graduate school?
Which area do you want to strengthen yourself? 
There are many moving parts to take into consideration when planning
your education. If you decide to pursue your education beyond a bachelor's degree,
planning becomes even more complex. From determining what graduate degree to
pursue to finding the money to pay for it all, preparing for graduate school requires focus
and diligence. This guide is designed to help prospective graduate students tackle some of the
biggest tasks they'll be faced with when preparing to pursue a graduate degree,
including choosing, applying for, and financing a graduate program.
We've created this guide to help you make the most of your post-graduate experience,
from beginning to end.
 A graduate degree is necessary for entry into a chosen field. Some of the fastest
growing careers requiring a graduate degree today include marriage and family therapist,
physical therapist, occupational therapist and healthcare social worker. Other career fields that typically
require a master's or doctoral degree include law, medicine and education administration.
  •  A graduate degree is important for upward mobility and increased earning

  • potential in a chosen profession.
  • While not necessarily required for entry into a field, a master's or doctoral degree
  • may lead to upward career mobility and/or higher pay. This isn't always the case, however,
  • so if earning more money and moving up the corporate ladder are your only reasons for heading off
  • to graduate school, be sure that your profession requires a graduate degree for promotions and raises.
  • Occupations where a higher degree may mean more cash and mobility include
  • marketing, software engineering,
  • database administration, management and business administration.
  •  A graduate degree is necessary to make a wanted career change.

  • Sometimes an associate or bachelor's degree in a broadly inclusive subject provides a
  • good starting point for entry into the job market. However, many workers soon realize that
  • their initial choice of occupation offers limited growth or job satisfaction. The answer to
  • transitioning to a better career path may be a master's or doctoral degree.
  •  Passion for the subject. Passion is often overlooked, but it may be the best reason of all.

  • Earning a graduate degree in a subject you're passionately interested in can be your greatest reward, and i
  • It could lead to professional benefits that are entirely unexpected.
“I  would like to improve in every facet of my life. No matter how much I may excel at
a particular skill or task, I believe I can always get better, and would like an opportunity to gain
new experiences that will help me become better at anything I undertake. Does your company offer any extended
training courses that I can take advantage of?”
  • “I would love to continue to improve my leadership skills. Does your organization have any opportunities for leadership skills training?”

  • “I would love a chance to become fluent in Ruby. I know your organization uses Java, and I am intimately familiar with

  • Java, Python, and C#, but I think Ruby would open up more opportunities. I am taking an online course but have yet to put it into practice.”
  • “I’ve sometimes struggled to speak up in meetings. I’m working on becoming more open about my ideas, as I know how important it is for the company.”

3. Write a conclusive writing which shall influence a graduate admission committee
member to consider your application.?
“As businesses, consumers and government departments continue to advance
there is a growing demand for skilled computer science technology professionals
to create new software
and solve complex IT issues.  This strong need equates into a buoyant jobs market
for computer science graduates and is one of the main reasons from my decision to study
this subject at university.
In my opinion this discipline offers many financially rewarding, intellectually stimulating
and mentally challenging career opportunities to people like myself, who have a hunger
for success and a passion for learning. As an individual who is keen to gain an in-depth
knowledge of the theoretical foundations of computer science, including computer system
and system software organization, this programme is ideal. It will allow me to learn about
the full software lifecycle projects, including unit, manual and automated testing, as well
as understanding the methods and techniques required to store, manipulate, transform
or present information by means of computer systems.
A combination of all of the above points made my decision to study computer science
at university a formality.
I possess a number of qualities that I feel would make me well suited for your degree
programme. For instance I have always been good at logical problem solving and have
a proven ability to think creatively and thoroughly when developing software
applications. Whilst at college a number of my tutors regularly praised my excellent
math, multi-tasking and problem-solving skills and commended me on my excellent
communication skills which were required to share my ideas with my colleagues and
to convey your thoughts clearly to them. I also have a strong desire to improve the
concepts, principles, and techniques that will advance the body of knowledge of
computer science.
Computer science is a broad field that requires people with varying talents
and areas of specialization. Within the last six months I have come to believe that
I have these requirements in abundance and also possesses the enterprising spirit,
capacity and enthusiasm that is required to spend long hours on creating bespoke
IT solutions.
My interest in the subject has not just been restricted to academic study, Up till recently
I had a part time job at a software house which gave me a new perspective into how
computer science functions in the real world and how the world of business operates.
I got to work closely with architects to create bespoke solutions for our customers and
learnt a lot about artificial intelligence and web technologies such as JavaScript, HTML
and CSS. One of the most important things I learnt was the need to take time to
understand completely a clients requirements before amending or designing any
IT infrastructure.
I am particularly attracted to studying at your university because of its superb learning
atmosphere which combined with its relaxed academic environment makes it a unique
place to be. On a visit to your campus I found it to be a very close knit and friendly
place where, the lecturers seemed to be very competent and the facilities are well
suited to the course. However for me one of the best things about your course was
the small class sizes which will allow for more two-way communication between
student and tutor. In conclusion I would like to thank you for your time and consideration.
I am available for interview anytime and I look forward to taking the opportunity to talk
with you further about my application.”


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